How To Build A Successful and Profitable Business
SUNDAY & MONDAY 1:00 - 2:00p • W330B
The purpose of Jon ’ s Business Management Class is to help salon owners meet and overcome the many challenges of owning a profitable and successful business in a tough economy . Jon shares more than 50 years as a salon owner / hairdresser , business consultant , educator , entrepreneur and author . Throughout the US and Canada , Jon ’ s real world business classes are receiving wide acclaim for helping salon owners to become better business men and women .
A Hairdresser ' s Roadmap to Success
SUNDAY 4:00 - 5:00p • W330B
Jon ’ s down-to-earth educational presentation will help hairdressers reach higher levels of excellence . His motivational and educational class will help hairdressers learn how to increase their incomes by showing them how to build an upscale clientele and stand above the crowd . This class is highly endorsed by salon owners who want to bridge the gap between staff and management , and is also beneficial to students who want to accelerate their growth and development .
Better Buiness , Better Life
MONDAY 11:30a - 12:30p • W330B
Learn the 6 Secrets of the World ’ s Most Successful People . Feeling a pull to BE & DO MORE than you are today ? Tired of feeling overwhelmed , over connected and over committed ? If you ’ re a business owner , leader , or someone looking to grow your business , attend this session ! Learn the myths about what matters in performance and powerful proven pillars that can accelerate your accomplishments in your business .
10 Things You Didn ’ t Know about Business Credit
SUNDAY 1:00 - 2:00p l MONDAY 2:30 - 3:30p • W331B
Is it going to be your business or your life ? That is the question ! For too many years , small businesses have tried to build their business by exhausting ALL their personal resources . It ’ s time to learn how to give your business its own identity SEPARATE from you . This class will teach you how to set up or convert your legal structure ; make sure your business bank account is set up correctly ; get set up with the business credit bureaus and what documentation you are going to need at all times .
App Development for “ Barbershops and Hair Salons ”
SUNDAY 10:00 - 11:00a • W331B
Are you aware of the fact that mobile apps have completely changed the business scenario today ? With thousands of new apps being developed , the future has finally evolved from desktop computers to handheld devices . Join Erik Ramos , CEO of eFexx , to discover the profitability and ease that having an app will bring to your business . We will be discussing creating a direct marketing channel , building brand recognition , improving customer engagement , standing out from the competition and cultivating customer loyalty .
For additional classes with EFEXXAPPS > see page 76
How to Build a Scalable 7-Figure Salon Business and Take 4 Weeks Vacation
SUNDAY 4:00 - 5:00p • W330C
Are you ready to turn your business from a cash-sucking monster into a money-making machine ? Lifestyle Employment is the future of a team that acts as investors . Learn 3 pivotal steps salon and spa owners must take right now to build the right business foundation so that 7-figure profits become almost inevitable . Learn the ins and outs of how to set up your business to run on autopilot so you can go on vacation ! You ’ ll explore the same steps we teach our clients to transform them into delegation ninjas , become the CEO of their company and step into ultimate business freedom ! We will cover what strategies to use , what systems to set up , and what team members to assemble so you can step away from your business and run it from afar ( even from a tropical island ).
How to Explode Your Profits the Right Way – If You Snail , You Fail
MONDAY 10:00 - 11:00a • W330C
Learn the unique business model that over 150,000 of the world ’ s most successful companies are using right now to secure and expand their bottom lines . This 60-minute class will teach you the powerful Profit First Cash Flow Management System so you can start paying yourself consistent and FULL paychecks ; find your multiplier scale ; automate and save the right amount for taxes every time ( don ’ t need to guess and live in fear ); and lock in money to regularly reinvest in your business to rapidly scale .