Pregnancy and the Birth for a First Time Mum. pregnancy | Page 9

The physiologic changes of during pregnancy

The bones also undergo some changes during the pregnancy , there is an increase amount of Calcium and phosphorus level because this is needed for foetal bone growth . There is also the presence of the hormone relaxin wherein this helps in relaxing some bones especially in the pelvic area which will aid during childbirth . This will help widen the symphysis pubis to be ready for passage of the baby during childbirth . At the last trimester of pregnancy , we may also notice that they have a lordotic posture because of the pressure of the weight of the foetus inside the womb .
There is also frequent urination during pregnancy especially when the enlarging uterus tends to put pressure on the urinary bladder , this cause the pregnant woman to have frequent urination .
Lastly , the endocrine function also changes during pregnancy . As it was mentioned above , the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin ( HCG ) is the first hormone which has high levels in the blood during the first stages of pregnancy . Oestrogen hormone is responsible for the breast and uterine changes while progesterone maintains the linings of the uterus which maintains the pregnancy . The relaxin as it was stated above helps in relaxing the pelvic bones . Human Placental Lactogen also becomes available to the enlarging foetus . Prostaglandin is responsible for the contractions of smooth muscles which will aid during childbirth . Oxytocin is tasked for the let-down reflex . ( famildoctor . org 2015 )
( flickr . com 2013 )