Preach Magazine ISSUE 8 - Preaching and comedy | Page 39

39 reflections for Cub Scout groups and other young people . Every Damaris Media resource pack is tailored to help groups reflect on their values and meet their aims in an engaging way .


When it comes to the church , we recognise that leaders are always looking for fresh ways to explore the gospel , both with existing church members and with those who aren ’ t yet Christians . We want to resource you to do this as effectively as possible , and we ’ re always keen to hear more from you about what you ’ d like us to offer .
Earlier this year we had a great response to our resources based on Risen , an epic adventure based around the resurrection of Jesus . By telling the familiar story through the eyes of an agnostic Roman soldier ( Joseph Fiennes ), and framing it as a mystery thriller , the film offered audiences plenty to mull over . Our main resource pack used specially created videos and discussion material to lead people of all beliefs through questions around truth and personal change . For Christian groups wanting to delve deeper into the spiritual message of the film , an additional discussion guide included gospel readings , reflections and prayers . All of this is available at risen . damarismedia . com .
The idea is that speakers and other leaders can use this material in whatever way suits them : whether that ’ s playing a video feature as part of a sermon , organising an outreach event , or running a small group session . When Risen was released in cinemas shortly before Easter , it was fantastic to see churches across the country embracing the opportunities it offered – and with the DVD set for release this summer , the possibilities for using our resources in future ministry are endless .


Other Damaris Media resource packs this year have included material based around Miracles from Heaven
( miracles . damarismedia . com ), a moving true-life drama about a couple dealing with their young daughter ’ s illness . The film , which stars Jennifer Garner and Queen Latifah , offers a springboard for questions about faith , perseverance and gratitude .
We ’ re currently encouraging churches to get excited about Ben-Hur , a reimagining of the classic story which will be playing in cinemas nationwide from 26 August . As well as being a gripping action / adventure , the film promises to captivate with the tale of a hero who must learn to forgive after a devastating betrayal . We ’ re providing resources geared towards the church , as well as for young people ( available at benhur . damarismedia . com ).
These stories , and others like them , are far more than entertainment . When we experience them together , we ’ re taken on a shared emotional journey . We ’ re led to reflect on our deepest questions about who we are and how we live . We hope that Preach
readers , as people who speak and lead in churches , share our vision for uniting communities around the power of cinema : and for seeing how , in all kinds of unexpected ways , the latest cinema releases might help illuminate the greatest story ever told .
Joseph Fiennes and Tom Felton in Risen © 2016 Columbia Pictures Industries , Inc . All Rights Reserved .
Kylie Rogers and Jennifer Garner in Miracles from Heaven © 2016 Columbia Pictures Industries , Inc . All Rights Reserved .
The Secret Life of Pets © 2016 Universal Studios . All Rights Reserved .
Damaris Media
Damaris Media create free film resources for churches and community groups . You can download exclusive videos , discussion guides and more at damarismedia . com ; keep up-to-date on the latest Damaris Media resources by subscribing to our e-newsletter at damarismedia . com / signup ; and email them about how you ’ re using the resources or what kind of resources would be helpful to you at hello @ damaris . org .