Preach Magazine ISSUE 8 - Preaching and comedy | Page 38

38 SERIAL God in the movies Throughout history, stories have brought people together. It’s through stories that we explore our collective hopes and fears, ask the big questions, and ultimately, work out who we are and what we stand for. FOR CHRISTIAN GROUPS WANTING TO DELVE DEEPER INTO THE SPIRITUAL MESSAGE OF THE FILM, AN ADDITIONAL DISCUSSION GUIDE INCLUDED GOSPEL READINGS, REFLECTIONS AND PRAYERS I n twenty-first-century Britain, our experience of stories is often fragmented. Even when there’s some big TV show that everybody’s watching, we tend to watch at different times, in the privacy of our own homes. True, there’s the watercooler chat at the office, while Twitter and other online forums provide a place to share reactions. But there’s still something special about experiencing a story in the same darkened room; hearing the laughter, the gasps and the applause; going on the journey together. Maybe this – not IMAX screens, surround sound or 3D technology – is why we go to the cinema. INTRODUCING DAMARIS MEDIA At Damaris Media, we believe in the power of cinema to enrich lives. After fifteen years as a trusted charity, we relaunched as a new company in July 2015, and are committed to continuing the work of resourcing churches and community groups across the UK. We believe that engaging with the latest film releases together is the perfect way for people to have fun, reach out to others, and talk about issues that matter to them. Our resource packs are free to download from, and many are also available in printed form. They are official: we work in partnership with film companies, which means that we can offer exciting extras such as preview screenings and exclusive footage featuring behind-thescenes chats with actors. Partnership is equally important to us when it comes to community groups. We love to hear about what groups are up to and provide resources that work for them: this is why, for example, we’re excited to be partnering with the Cub Scouts as they celebrate their Cubs100 centenary. Our activity pack based on The Secret Life of Pets ( is overflowing with games, crafts and