Preach Magazine ISSUE 8 - Preaching and comedy | Page 11

SERIAL 11 I HAD COME TO REALISE THAT GOD HAD GIVEN ME A GIFT TO SPEAK HIS WORD AND I THEREFORE WANTED TO MAKE THE MOST OF THAT GIFT. Phil Hutchinson Phil Hutchinson was chosen as the winner of his category. Phil is currently studying for A levels alongside his role as Junior Mayor of Derby. He grew up in China and Hong Kong, returning to the UK with his family when he was ten. The judges praised his weighty content, his evident passion and conviction about his message, and his steady, confident delivery. Reflecting on his experience of the competition, he writes ‘I entered the competition after the encouragement of my youth worker. Due to the opportunities that he and others had started to give me, I had come to realise that God had given me a gift to speak his word and I therefore wanted to make the most of that gift. The title of the competition, “Reasons for Hope”, gave me the opportunity to speak on my favourite passage, Isaiah 61, and to talk about the hope of a new life that Jesus has presented to our world. It is a message that the church still often forgets, and so in entering the competition I hoped in part to share that message more widely. ‘I did not expect to win the competition, but I hope the fact that I have encourages others in this generation to share the things that God has placed on their heart more widely. We need a new generation to rise who can authentically share the Word of God. It is therefore important that the Sermon of the Year competition has begun as a way to encourage our nation’s future preachers.’ Natalie Collins won the 21 and over category. Natalie is a gender justice specialist who runs Spark, a consultancy to enable individuals and organisations to prevent and respond to male violence against women. A survivor of extreme domestic abuse herself, she is director of the DAY Programme, a youth domestic abuse education programme. She is also a founding member of the Christian Feminist Network collective. The judges were impressed by her wordsmithing and felt she made a profound impact through the way she wove her personal story in with the text she was speaking on. She writes, ‘I have been deeply convicted that many women are called and gifted to preach and so I entered the Sermon of the Year to ensure that women were represented in the competition. Women are often conditioned not to put themselves forward and women and girls will struggle to be what they can’t see. Being part of the Sermon of the Year has been a wonderful opportunity to communicate the truth of Jesus’ love and liberation for all people. I love preaching and believe it is an integral part of equipping Christians to live out the way of Christ. I’m thrilled to have won the Over 21s category and am excited to take full advantage of the year’s free study at the excellent London School of Theology.’ I LOVE PREACHING AND BELIEVE IT IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF EQUIPPING CHRISTIANS TO LIVE OUT THE WAY OF CHRIST. Natalie Collins T he t o p 1 0 s er m o ns o f ‘Sermo n o f the Ye ar 2 016’ “Paul tells Timothy to be prepared in season and out of season to fearlessly preach the Word of God. My prayer is that this short volume will inspire the next generat