Praktische Vaardigheden Ontwikkelen Marketing en Publicitaire Copy Writing | Page 20

16. Get pumped up! Show your excitement for your product. If you aren't pumped up about it, why not? Enthusiasm sells. 17. Rewrite and test ruthlessly. Test. Test. Test. A change of one word can increase response 250%. Sackheim tested his famous ad at least six times before he found the headline and format that worked. Most copy isn't written in one day. You have to write, rewrite, edit, rewrite, test, and test again. Keep asking yourself, Would I buy this product? and Have I said everything to make the sale? 18. State a believable deadline. Most people won't take any immediate action unless there exists a sound reason to do so. Deadlines help, as long as your deadline sounds credible. 19. Instantaneous satisfaction! Everything should be nearly instantaneous because we want instant gratification. Toll-free numbers and fax numbers help. If you're marketing on the Web, include a link or a your readers to order. button that makes it easy for 20. Sincerity sells. Don't offer fluff, mislead, or lie to your prospects. Tell them the truth.While rarely done, it actually helps sales to admit a weakness or a fault. Remember the ad, These neckties aren't very pretty, but they're a steal at a nickel each! Tell the truth in a fascinating way. 21. Copy your copy from the best. Read excellent copy, write it out word-for-word in your own hand to get a feel for its rhythm, and memorize the following books:  The Copywriter's Handbook by Bob Bly  The AMA Complete Guide to Small Business Advertising by Joe Vitale  Tested Advertising Methods by John Caples  CyberWriting: How to Promote your Product or Service Online (without being flamed) by Joe Vitale Bron: Copyright © 1997-2002, Joe Vitale, All Rights Reserved E-mail: [email protected] Office: 281-999-1110 FAX: 281-999-1313