Practical Creek Care - A Handbook for Stewardship | Page 47

In many cases , common sense , as well as local guidelines and ordinances , will help you care for your creek . However , sound professional advice is ALWAYS recommended . The City of Arlington contacts listed here may be able to assist you .


Plants , Landscaping , and Butterfly Gardens
Local creek programs , regulations , and ordinances
Environmental Management 817-459-6550 Environmental @ arlingtontx . gov www . arlingtontx . gov / stormwater
Bank Stabilization / Preventing Erosion
Stormwater Management 817-459-6550 www . arlingtontx . gov / stormwater
Creek Clean Up Events
Parks & Recreation 817-459-5474 www . arlingtontx . gov / parks
Parks & Recreation — Urban Forestry and Beautification 817-459-5474 www . arlingtontx . gov / parks
Household Hazardous Waste Disposal
Solid Waste and Recycling 817-459-6778 Recycling @ arlingtontx . gov www . arlingtontx . gov / recycling
Reporting Spills and Illicit Discharges ( including swimming pool discharges )
Environmental Management 817-459-6550 Environmental @ arlingtontx . gov www . arlingtontx . gov / stormwater
ONLINE REPORTING VIA THE ASK ARLINGTON SYSTEM www . arlingtontx . gov When reporting a creek problem , try to have the following information :
Location : specific street address Time : When did you first notice the problem and is it ongoing ? Activity : description of the problem ; any odors or changes in water color or debris . Photos are also helpful .
Reporting is anonymous !