Practical Creek Care - A Handbook for Stewardship | Page 46


The Ripple Effect
The Ripple Effect is based on the understanding that we are all connected . Thoughts and actions are like stones dropped in a pond and they create ripples that travel outward gradually spreading positive effect and influence . Each of us carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse . Simply , the choices we make have far-reaching consequences .
We can use the principles of the Ripple Effect to magnify our actions and their effects on creek health and ecosystem biodiversity . Our rivers and creeks provide us with the most important resources for all living organisms — water . Everyone and everything living in Arlington shares this resource , so it is essential that we each contribute to maintain its health . Taking care of our creeks helps improve and sustain habitats and wildlife populations , conserve natural diversity , and enhances the beauty of our watersheds . All Arlington residents and businesses can be part of the solution for preserving and protecting our creeks for future generations regardless if properties are located near a creek . This guide is your tool to maximize creek health and potentially avoid erosion and flooding issues . With your care and stewardship , our creeks will thrive , property values will be enhanced , and the whole community will benefit . We are counting on you to continue the Ripple !
REMEMBER : One small change can have an enormous impact ! Water is life !
Thank you !