Practical Creek Care - A Handbook for Stewardship | Page 24

Avoid , if possible , conducting vehicle maintenance activities in your driveway .
If unavoidable , practice these tips !
If cleaning interior automotive carpets or upholstery , do not dispose of the waste water into a creek or storm drain . Carpet cleaning and upholstery cleaning chemicals are detrimental to creek health . Dispose of these solutions down a sink or toilet .
Clean automotive spills using “ dry ” cleanup methods . Use cat litter or other absorbent materials to remove spills from paved surfaces . If you must use water in a final clean up step , direct flow to a lawn area — not to the street , gutter , or storm drain .
REMEMBER : Do not perform repair and maintenance activities during rain events .
Contact City Staff for more information on home auto maintenance and proper waste disposal . Refer to the GETTING HELP page at the end of this handbook .