Carefully remove trash , litter , and other dumped debris from creek .
Unfortunately , some people think of creeks as garbage dumps . You don ' t have to look far to find old shopping carts , used appliances , mattresses , car parts , bottles , cans , plastic , Styrofoam , and paper litter . This debris can become a hazard during floods . It can also be a potential threat to water quality and provide breeding places for rodents and mosquitoes .
Remove old tires , garbage , and litter from your property .
Never store these materials within the flood zone . They may be carried away during storm events . Do not dump yard clippings down creek banks or within a flood zone . If you need assistance cleaning up the creek , contact some of the organizations listed at the end of this booklet for ideas and assistance .
Keep an eye on the creek and the storm drains in your neighborhood .
Report any spill or discharge other than rainwater to local authorities for immediate cleanup .
There may be opportunities for you to do more ! From time to time , Arlington organizes creek clean up events . Reach out to City Staff for more information . Review the GETTING HELP page at the end of this handbook .
Keep storm inlets in front of your home free of leaves and other debris . You should never blow or sweep leaves and other trash , litter , or debris into storm drains .