Residents living next to a creek have additional reasons to be concerned with creek health . A healthy creek can increase property value , provide flood protection , prevent property loss to erosion and provide an aesthetic and calming landscaping . The City of Arlington especially encourages those who living next to a creek to become involved in the stewardship of our local creek resources .
Keep reading for tips on how to maintain the portion of the creek that runs through your property .
Maintenance Responsibilities
Generally , property owners are responsible for all maintenance of a natural creek on their property — whether it is contained within an easement or not .
The City of Arlington does not perform routine maintenance or repair erosion on natural creeks . However , City staff will remove trees that have fallen or large debris that is creating a flood risk when notified . The City also maintains creek crossings at bridges and culverts as well as concrete channels .
Managing Woody Debris
Natural debris in the creek — branches , logs , and root wads — creates food and shelter for fish and wildlife .
Woody debris should be left in the creek , unless it causes flooding or erosion that threatens life or property ( a house , utility pole , or other structure ), or speeds up natural erosion processes . In that case , Woody debris may need to be repositioned , removed , or partially removed . Contact the City of Arlington before removing naturally fallen tree limbs or other debris .
Protect Creek Flow and Accommodate Flood Waters
Avoid locating structures and storage containers near the creek bank . Any structure built within reach of flood waters is subject to damage or loss and may decrease the creek ’ s ability to accommodate flood flows safely . Structures such as storage sheds , patios , and decks require removal of the creek ’ s natural protective vegetation and often decrease the stability of vulnerable slopes . Construction disturbs the soil and vegetation , adding to sediment buildup in the creek .
The best way to accommodate flood waters s to avoid constructing improvements in the flood zone and maintain the area in its natural state .