PR TIMES AFRICA PR TIMES AFRICA Magazine june 2015 | Page 45
the country. We wrote our new
constitution and will soon elect a
parliament to complete our
democratic institutions. In 2014,
with the support of friendly
countries like Nigeria, Egypt
resumed its membership in the
African Union. Also, Egypt is
rebuilding its relations with its
African neighbors and especially
the Nile Basin countries on new As we move forward towards a
better future, we are happy to see
that Nigeria is moving in the same
direction. We were so pleased and
lucky to witness the last historic
elections that took place in the
country unfolding before our eyes
in a peaceful way that amazed the
whole world. That election was a
clear indication that Nigerians
know the way towards a better to call President Buhari to
congratulate him on his victory,
just as former President Jonathan
was one of the first leaders to call
President El-sis to congratulate
him on winning the elections.
grounds of mutual understanding
and cooperation. future, and know how to walk
towards it united. As an indication
of friendly relations between the
two countries, President El-sisi
was one of the first world leaders forward to creating a model of
cooperation and integration
towards a better future for our
beloved continent.
Economically, Egypt has started
mega projects like the New Suez
Canal that is due to open in less
than two months and will benefit
not only Egypt but also the whole
world. It will slash the time it
takes ships to cross the Suez Canal
and create a commercial hub and
an industrial zone for local as well
as international companies. Also,
Egypt has recently started another
mega project of building a new
administrative capital that will
extend between Cairo and the
Suez Canal and will be a modern
addition to the ancient city of
Cairo, and is expected to
modernize the Egyptian economy
within a decade.
VOL 1. JULY 2015
Today as we celebrate our
National Day in Nigeria, the
Governments of Egypt and Nigeria
stand united and are looking