PR TIMES AFRICA PR TIMES AFRICA Magazine june 2015 | Page 43

Diplomatic Corner with Mohammed Basah A diligent study of world history reveal's that Africa is the birth place of human civilization and organized knowledge. Egypt was the first ever world power, her massive pyramids a testament to this fact even today, with the great pyramid of Giza standing for over 3800 years as the tallest man-made structure in the world. While Timbuktu in modern day Mali was once the intellectual capital of the world, the first ever mathematics text book was written by an African named Ahmes while Imhotep another African was the first scientist to be known by name in history. The Russian language was given its modern form by a man named Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, who had African heritage. numerous to mention, as even the White House and Capitol were built with majority black labour. Though the 15th century slave trade robbed Africa of great human resources, creating one of the largest Diaspora in human history. Africa's gifts to the world as we know it today are too The inheritors of this legacy and rich history were ravaged by centuries of the trans-atlantic slave trade that culminated in the Berlin conference of 1884 that partitioned Africa into much of what we know it to be today. Africa of today, though divided along colonial borders, must promote integration and cooperation among her peoples facilitating easy movement of people and goods across borders and the Diplomatic Community plays a strategic role in facilitating this movement to create and retain wealth in Africa. PR TIMES AFRICA VOL 1. JULY 2015 1ST EDITION Diplomatic Corner aims at promoting high level conversations about promoting intra-African trade as well as favourable trade terms with international partners. We will be covering all things African, at the Diplomatic level, celebrating our history while envisioning a greater future for Africa in the 21st century. We have made a round of the diplomatic community in Nigeria and will be doing same in the rest of Africa and at the level of the African Union, to press for greater cooperation and ensure that our foreign policy thrust is as Ambassador Tom Amolo of Kenya said "Africa first". Africa must stop selling herself short and the key drivers of the African agenda are the Diplomats. 41