PR for People Monthly January 2013 | Page 4

Letter from the Editor

Dear Friends and Colleagues: Greetings!

The notion of “being wealthy” is a national pastime that permeates the very fabric of our government, our corporate structure, and our cultural norms.

In this issue of PR for People® The Connector we will explore the very essence of money. We feature four professionals who help people to build wealth. Money! Who has it? Who wants it? Who is never going to get it? As we head into a new year, another four years of a new American Presidential term, and an increasingly turbulent economy, let’s never lose sight of the fact that America has always had the following brand promise: Anyone who wants to amass wealth can do so.

There are many different ways to become wealthy. If making money is your goal, then there is little to stand in your way from achieving wealth. Observe the latest wave of immigrants from Vietnam, Korea, The Dominican Republic, Mexico, Somalia and Nigeria. You see people who take jobs others will not take, who pool their savings, who do not consume everything they see on TV, and before long their children are pursuing advanced degrees in the finest schools and building empires out of mom & pop shops and sidewalk stands.

Ultimately, the life blood of America will always come from people whose beginnings are humble. The true American legacy is not as much rooted in money as it is in people of courage and strength, regardless of their color, religion, age, education, economic status or ethnicity, who are not afraid of committing themselves to hard work and of going into overdrive when life gets tough.

PR for People ® The Connector is one more way we are helping people to help one another. Each issue will feature our clients who are doing amazing things in this world and ought to be recognized for their outstanding work. Join us for each issue of our new interactive magazine that tells the greatest stories for the times we are living in.