PR for People Monthly August 2012 | Page 5

Cover Story: How to be a thought leader


Technorati, 90% of all blogs are abandoned by their owners. Be honest with yourself. If you lack the writing talent, discipline or “big ideas,” then don’t blog. Instead be an occasional guest blogger on a site that reaches your industry.

Get press placement. Getting placed in the media is still a major way to gain credibility as a thought leader in your field. Reach out to the journalists who cover your field to let them know you are available for commentary when they need a source. Use services that will connect you with the press. (If you are interested, PR for People® offers a Media Switchboard Service) Be truthful about the best media outlets for your news coverage. Don’t use video if you do not present well on camera. Don’t do radio if you don’t have a pleasing voice or can’t fluidly articulate your opinions. Stick with the forms of media that are the most flattering to your overall persona and your expertise as a thought leader.

Leverage social media. Post your articles, posts and media placement to social media. The most surefire way of enlarging the audience for your writing is to post the links to social media, especially to the royal three: FB, Linked-in, and Twitter.

There are many other social and business sites specific to your field. Find them and use them.

Get Speaking opps. Speak to key influencers and potential customers in your industry. Only choose the best or most prestigious conferences and trade associations. Unless you need to practice and hone your presentation skills, don’t waste your time with organizations that will not pay you a speaking fee. Exception to this rule: When you want to meet the people face-to-face who are attending the event.

Put in the time. At PR for People®®® we frequently help clients to position themselves as experts, pundits and thought leaders in their respective fields. Becoming a thought leader is not an overnight process. In fact, it is a lifelong pursuit. You must commit yourself to a definite period of time (years) to build your reputation as a thought leader. It takes discipline, persistence and the right type of outreach to the key influencers in your profession. Either you are destined to be a thought leader, i.e., someone who really thinks about things, or you are not. Here is the test: Are you genuinely excited when you see a connection in history, science, art or literature to new trends that are emerging in your field? If your answer is yes, then being a thought leader might be right for you.

- Patricia Vaccarino

Media Switchboard

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