The Professional Edition 4 October 2021 | Page 33

Computer problems ?

Drop those cookies and lose some ‘ weight ’

By Jacques Loubser , PPS Group Chief Information Officer

Who can refuse a cookie ? Especially when it is offered for free ! But should we always accept them ? Because , let us be honest , too much of a good thing can quickly add up . In the blink of an eye , those lovely cookies have added some weight around the hips and now you must go on a diet to get rid of the “ extra baggage ”.

This is not only true for humans .
Believe it or not , but cookies and that “ extra weight ” are also bad for your computer . These might be slightly different issues , but worth it to have a look at what computer cookies really are , what they do , and why you should not just accept them . “ Extra weight ” in the form of an overfull mailbox , is also a problem many computer users battle with .
So , what are cookies ? They are simple text files that a website can store on your browser . The main purpose of a cookie is to identify users , save site login details or create customised web pages tailored to the individual ’ s preferences .
Why is it a good idea to clear cookies ?
There are several reasons you should consider deleting cookies on your browser :
• They pose a security threat . Hackers can potentially hijack cookies , gaining access to browser sessions and then steal personal data .
• They can slow your browser down . When you first