DYNAMOMIN'S 1st cd, Dynamo Turnaround, is available through most major outlets such as Amazon, I Tunes etc. Styles range from alternative rock to jazz to pop to songs of praise. A second cd is currently in production and should be completed early next year. THE PERFORMANCES are explosive and energetic and full of heart. Sometimes its a little KRAZY! but definitely full of fun. When Vince performs the title track "Dynamo", it is full of electricity that is absolutely infectious.. There is never a dull moment with this performer. At the same time, his deep love for Jesus is evident through each and every song. WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING::: Magnificent tunes!!!Keep it up!! Dec 07 Awesome music my friend!Good luck on Reverb! Dec 06 Great Tunes! Keep singing for Jesus! Aug 13 Listen to your music and enjoyed your stuff. Keep rockin' for the Lord! VINCE LEONE (DynamoMin) is a member of "Fire and Water International Church" in Phoenix Arizona, with Pastor Gus Korkotselos. DynamoMin is about sharing God's loving power through word and music. INSTRUMENTATION: Background music is supplied digitally. (TRACKS) Sharing God's loving power through word and music, all in Jesus mighty name.