I am a Christian rock Musician/ Singer songwriter Looking to get some of my songs out. I am currently Number 1 on Reverbnation for Christian Rock charts in Louisville, Kentucky and 54th nationally. Some are good ole' rock and roll others are acoustical. I played in a Christian rock band for a while, then took off on my own to do some writing and recording. I feel that Christian Rock is a good way to worship Jesus Christ and get the word out to rockers who would not ordinarily get it. "This Way to Heaven", "Sweet Georgia Night", And The "Holy Spirit Rocks" are a few songs I Highly recommend Listening to. "at The Cross" is a good song for people who suffer from addiction to hear and that is why I wrote it. "Crucifixion Day" is a song you just gotta hear. Its self explanitory. There are four more to check out when you get a chance. I am currently involved in doing more videos, and am writing new songs. When I was Little, my older brother's rock band would practice in the next room, and as I got older, I also started playing and wrote a few songs that were decent. Of course after discovery of the wilderside of rock-n-roll. I was reborn a Christian. I was determined to write a Christian rock CD for God because of the changes for the better that were made in my life. "Letter to God" is the song that explains just that. "This way to Heaven" was about my first experience in the church and how I found you get to heaven through Jesus Christ. "Sweet Georgia Night" is about my beautiful wife and is a huge part of my gratitude. "Are you Ready" is self explanitory. The "Holy Spirit Rocks" is a powerful instrumental that lets everyone know Christians can and will rock. "Crucifixion Day", well, you just have to hear that one.. I added a pure rock song called "Rock it Out" just for the rock of it. Anyway today is good and give all thanks to our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. God Bless you all............................................Troy Garriott