Roxie is currently unsigned, but positive a label will want to take advantage of her potential very soon. She is everything a great artist should be and what record labels alone cannot create, instead with their co-ordination, can make light work and magic happen. -“At the very start, Slash inspired me to play guitar and Michael Jackson inspired me to sing and be a great performer. These inspirations, and many more have motivated and taught me to go even further since then...” Past: I played a few instruments, first clarinet, then electric guitar which I then quit and changed to drums. With regained passion and knowledge earned from playing prior instruments, I returned to electric guitar again around 4 years ago. What first inspired me to play an instrument was watching bands and artists perform live and be fully immersed in the music. I loved to embrace the powerful energy I felt from the songs I loved, so much that I’d often have them stuck in my head all day. Present: It wasn’t long ago that I found I wanted to be able to sing, so I actively continued to improve my voi ?H\??[\?^H?Z]\?^Z[??H?\???X??YH ????[[?T [??X?[?HH??X?[?? H?Y?[?[????????[?H[?H?H?[??\?\?H[K?[??H?[?????[?\??H??\??[?[?^H?[?X[[??\???][??H?X??X[?]HXZ??X?[ ?H?H^H?\??X]?H????H[?\??Y ???\????[?H??[?]K???\??Z[??]?[??H[??^H?Y??[??\?\???[?H^\?[??[HH???^H?]??????[\?[?[?H[?H]\?X?[?\??K?H]\?X??Y[???^H???8?&\?Y8?&H??[?H?H?^K?\?[?^\??]?X]\?X[\???\?\?[??[??Z[???\?[?Y[???]??????XYH???X??[??Y?Z[???Y?X?H??[??\?H\?H?H??[Z?H??^H?^H?[???]?H?H[??[\?[?[???\?H]H??[Z?H?[??[?H[???\?[??YH[??Z[??\??^H]?\?Y???[??????[???[?^H?X[\???YH?YH[?H[H?X??\??[ H?[?????]?\?[?H]Y?[?H]?HH?X[H HHY?H\???K[??X[H?[Y]?H[?[?\??[?[????\? [?[?][??\????X?K?[?\?\??[???[???[????H?[?x?&\?]?\?[??[?]?[??[??HH????H?]\??[?H[]?HH?[?X[??????[?X\?[?\???\?]\?????][?[?K???X????Y?[Y[??[????[^H?[???[?H\?H[^H??Y[??[??[?H?^H?[Z[K[???X?[X?\???]??X?????[[??^H?\??????HX\?[?[?Y[[?X?H^\?Y[??K?]?\?^H?\??[YH[?H?Y[?[?HYX\??YH?B??