PowerCulture Magazine Apr 2013 Apr. 2013 | Page 20

We all have something to say and we are no doubt eternal students of our craft - always improving , learning and growing , but there should come a time in our careers where we ’ re not only perpetual students , but that we actually become the teacher .

“ To teach is to learn .”

Japanese Proverb

Content is queen and we know this from just taking a glimpse at the marketing landscape of today . If your work is not being promoted , quoted , or shared , you simply aren ’ t trying . With all of the platforms available to us to not only share our own content but to continuously make it better , we have an awesome chance of branding ourselves , gaining attention , leading customers to our digital homes , and ultimately making the sale .

First : Don ’ t wait to be promoted , demoted , awarded , or granted the title of expert . Grant yourself “ expert enough ” status and let ’ s get started .
Start reading specific industry related books and articles often , consuming at minimum 2 books a month . It is said that reading at least 24 books on an industry will make you an expert on that subject . This keeps your mind fresh , keeps you on top of current trends and presents you with quality information on which to make your own projections , form your thoughts and opinions and speak intelligently in your professional space .

“ To be a thought leader , you must have thoughts .”


After all that research , determine what “ your ” core thoughts and beliefs are . To brand yourself , they can ’ t be exactly like someone else ’ s . Add your unique opinion and spin to it- craft a consistent and genuine message , then start creating content that centers around that .
Start creating . It ’ s too simple and cheap now to create digital and even print products that promote your knowledge reaching local and global audiences . While it ’ s simple , it ’ s not easy-it requires work , research and time , but it ’ s well worth the potential marketing , branding and possible financial benefits that content creation brings .