Fortunately , finding your personal style isn ’ t an expensive or difficult process . You can certainly choose to hire a professional stylist – someone who will scrutinize your closet , create outfits , and help you shop for staples you might be missing . If you have the budget , a stylist can take the guesswork out of your brand style , but if you ’ re not ready to take that leap , you can brand your own personal style with the help of Google and your instincts .
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Start by finding inspiration . Are there celebrities or prominent women whose style you admire ? Perhaps there is a film or television show whose characters ’ wardrobes appeal to you . Which retail stores are you attracted to ?.
Spend some time online searching for and digitally saving photos of these individuals , scenes , and outfits .
Match your inspiration with your intention . Go through those photos you saved , and start to put them together with the words they match . I recommend taking time to paste the photos and words into a PowerPoint presentation to give you a visual representation .
Second , set your style branding intention . What would you hope someone would say about your brand style ? Choose three or four words as your intentions . Think of words like smart , savvy , confident , sassy , approachable , etc .
Start your list , and go shopping . Make a list of pieces you might need to add to your wardrobe to make it shine like the words and photos you ’ ve chosen . Shop first in your own closet ( you own much more than you think you do ) and then in stores with a specific budget in mind .
The first key to success is changing your mindset to pair your style with your brand . How do they go hand in hand and complement one another ? The second key to success is to take your time . You can ’ t compile a stylish and brand friendly wardrobe in days or weeks . Choose pieces carefully and over time , and whenever you shop , ask yourself , “ Will I feel like the embodiment of my brand in this piece ?” Hopefully this process will begin to make that morning closet routine more strategic and less haphazard . Soon , your brand will change in the same ways !