Knowledge from across the web : Priceless !
Good for everyone , from Genx to Millennials .
Ashley Spiller says :
I brought the Think big Start Smart guide and because of it I have a million webpages opened !! I have learned so much from this very informative and might I add well put together guide . Thank you for putting together great content that continues to help grow my business .
James says :
May I say how fortunate I was to be in the right place at the right time to purchase this eGuide .
Although I have had to do some other work today , that has paled into insignificance by the time I have spent both enjoying reading through your guide , which is entertaining as well as exceedingly well laid out .
As I am in the process of starting up I have been searching for the appropriate online tools , I have already replaced some of those I had already chosen as the ones I picked from your lists are better ( and I haven ' t exhausted your lists yet ). I have also found gems which , as I say despite me searching for that type , I didn ' t even know existed !
I am certain that any start-up business would do well to use your eGuide as a standard toolbox of the online tools they choose from to operate their business . If I meet anyone starting any business I would feel confident in strongly suggesting that they consult your guide before and as they sort out their online requirements .
Jabrecia Lightfoot :
Okay I have read the eguide and I ' m already in the process of building my free website from wix and also will be using the JustIn Tv !! And there is a lot more that I will be using as well . This is a very easy guide to bring your company to life . Its really dummy proof .
Lewis Williams says : hat manual is the shit ! Don ' t think you ' re charging enough for it though :)
Daniel Patterson -Winningham says :
As a Fortune 100 Executive , having recently branched out to start my own Coaching / Speaking / Training business I can attest to the HUGE value found in the Think BIG Start Small Guide .
This guide is FULL of not only the cutting edge technology every small business needs to keep up , but also many of these services are free or cheap . You will find that the minimal amount spent on this guide will be quickly recouped by the savings found on the sites mentioned in this book .
It is worth it ' s weight in goal for NEW and Experienced entrepreneurs .