Power of a Praying Woman Vol 2 | Page 92

Power of a Praying Woman 10/17/06 9:02 AM Page 91 Lord, Take Me… 91 hear it, the easier it is to recognize, and the less chance you will accept a counterfeit. There were countless times in my early walk with the Lord when I was still suffering from depression and anxiety that I turned to his Word. All it took was reading the Bible for a few minutes, and I would feel calm and hopeful again. That’s because the Word straightens out our mind and soul and helps us think clearly about things. It leads us away from self-destructive thoughts and enables us to enjoy a sense of well-being. It gives us hope and keeps us on course. It provides us a solid foundation upon which to build a life of wholeness. Ask God to meet you in His Word every day. He looks forward to that, and He wants you to also. There is no way to draw closer to God, or have a clean and right heart before Him, or be a forgiving person, or walk in obedience to His ways, or take control of your mind, or stand against the enemy, or make Jesus Lord of your life unless you are in the Word of God every day. It’s your compass. Your guide. You can’t get where you need to go without it. c My Prayer to God Lord, I thank You for Your Word. “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105). It is food to my soul, and I can’t live without it. Enable me to truly comprehend its deepest meaning. Give me greater understanding than I have ever had before, and reveal to me the hidden treasures buried there. I pray that I will have a heart that is teachable and open to what You want me to know. I desire Your instruction. Teach me so I may learn. Help me to be diligent to put Your Word inside my soul faithfully every day. Show me where I’m c