Power of a Praying Woman Vol 2 | Page 101

Power of a Praying Woman 10/17/06 9:02 AM Page 100 100 The Power of a Praying Woman There has to be a balance. And that balance can only be found by submitting to God ?rst. Ask Him to help you discern exactly to whom you are to be submitted and in what way. Don’t just submit blindly or ignorantly. Know what you are doing. When your heart’s desire is to do what’s right and be in right order, God will help you ?nd that perfect balance. It All Falls into Place The Bible says we should submit to authority ?gures designated by God in our church, in our family, in our work, and in our government. To be in right order and have our lives work well, we need to be planted in a church home. It gives us a base of operation. We can’t get as far as God wants us to go without it. Each church has a unique distinction and purpose, and you will not be happy until you ?nd the one God has for you. This doesn’t mean you have to go to a different church every week until you ?nd one that is perfect and makes you 100 percent happy. Those don’t exist. Churches are, after all, made up of imperfect people like us. What it does mean is that you need to ask God to show you where your church family is. When you are in the church you are supposed to be in, you will recognize the pastor’s voice as an important spiritual authority in your life. Again, you need to have wisdom and the leading of the Lord. If the authority ?gures in your church get offtrack and there is immorality, ?nancial corruption, unbiblical teaching, or sin, then you should not be subject to that kind of leadership. Ask God to lead you away from an unholy alignment. We all need a pastor, a strong Christian leader, or a mentor speaking truth into our lives. God will help you discern who that is. Don’t get me wrong, this is not a case