Power of a Praying Woman Vol 2 | Page 100

Power of a Praying Woman 10/17/06 9:02 AM Page 99 Lord, Instruct Me… 99 Father, even to the point of unfathomable suffering and death. What a role model He is for all of us. When Trust Is Violated Many women have a problem with submission because their trust has been violated or they were hurt in the past when they submitted to someone. No one wants to be a doormat or the object of another person’s abuse. God does not want that either. Nor is He asking you to be a mindless robot. That’s why you must pray for wisdom about this issue. It is a highly sensitive one, and you need to discern what the Lord is telling you. For those of you who have had a terrible experience with this issue, I want to encourage you. God is not asking you to be stupid, sacri?ce your sanity for a principle, or suffer at the hand of an abuser. He will give you wisdom when you ask for it. If you ?nd yourself going along with someone who violates the Word of God and His holy laws, not to mention your own conscience, that’s not submission. That’s just dumb. Don’t let yourself go there. I know of a woman who submitted to an abusive husband, and he ended up killing her. She wasn’t spiritually discerning because she didn’t put God ?rst and seek Him as to what to do. She stayed in that violent relationship until it turned disastrous instead of doing what was necessary to ?nd help. That is not submission, that’s foolishness. I know of another woman who refused to submit to her husband in any way, and she ended up losing her whole family and her home. Because she had been sexually violated by a leader in her church when she was a teenager, she would not consider trusting any man enough to submit to him.