The night cleanse was probably the most scary for me and not in a boo! I'm scare kind of way. It's a good scary I truly got to see how the night cleanse worked in 1 night. I kid you not if you are not mentally prepared to go to the bathroom at least twice the next morning it will sneak up on you. The first night I was casually drinking tea before bed, Which it helped me sleep, I have had better night sleep after drinking the night cleanse than any other night. (light sleeper with kids) Woke up around 3:30 and had to go #2, then woke up at 5:45 and went #2. It does what it says it is going to do. I had to do a four page spread on Skinnymint tea. I don't know how they do it, making a tea that is just so good for you, and making it DELICIOUS. Funny that I am obsessed with this tea that I want to drink it for the rest of my life. Hands down SkinnyMint is five stars.
I give it Five Stars