Pouts and Polish Sept. 2015 | Page 34

My Results

Now at any time you can pop on instagram and see tons of Instagram "personalities" Review Skinnymint teatox. Some results are believable and some are what I like to call "embelished" I was blessed enough to have Skinnymint tea send me a "care package" to try out and review the product. I am nearing the end of the 28 day and 14 night teatox. Well they were lovely enough to send me double the order. So naturally I was curious so I gave the second set to my mother in law who is early 50's. Shhh... don't tell her I told you. I know that different products work for different people in different ways. I know that's alot of differents. We started the teatox the same day. Drank tea and the same time and we both came to the same conclusion.

Not only is it absolutely delicious both the morning boost and the night cleanse, but ultimately we were both kind of blown away that IT WORKED!

Now I am not one to say that much because more of the time I find that different products fail to wow me AND work. I have been so addicted to drinking this tea it's crazy. with the morning boost I did truly find myself more awake and energized afrer I drank the tea. It curbed my appetite and kept me full longer, Normally I wake up around 5:45-6:00 a.m. and drink the tea while

I get ready. I found myself get hungry around 1:30 which is totally new for me because at work I generally get hungry around 11:00. I find that my pants are now sliding down, What were once tight are now loose and I have to wear a belt, ( I'm not complaining ) This is not a weight loss tea, but it does definetly help with bloating and water weight. Be prepared though to urinate frequently. I would normally go #1 2-3 times in an 8 hour shift now i am going 6-8 times in a shift. My skin is clearer and glowy and more refreshed.

Ultimately I feel absolutely great. I have more energy to do things