PostQualifying Handbooks Post-Graduate Handbook 2013 | Page 35

Postgraduate Programme Handbook Feb 2013 For further information go to; STUDENT MISCONDUCT The University may discipline you for academic misconduct, which is defined as any activity which tends to undermine the academic integrity of the institution and undermine the educational process. Examples of misconduct include cheating, collusion, fabrication, plagiarism, interference, violation of programme regulations and/or facilitating academic dishonesty. The University may discipline you for acts of personal misconduct. Examples of personal miscondu ct would include: releasing access codes for the University computer and internet systems; any action which endangers the student, the University community, or the academic process. DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES The procedures for imposing academic and disciplinary sanctions are designed to provide you with the guarantee of due process and procedural fairness. In the first instance the Programme Manager will have an informal discussion with you to establish if there are any grounds to proceed. The outcome of the informal discussion will be documented and held on file whilst you are active in the programme. However if the Programme Manager considers that you have a case to answer then you will receive formal written warning that the case is being investigated. REFUND POLICY All cancellation of studies must be given, by the student or their representative, in WRITING to either: Post Qualifying Division School of Nursing and Midwifery University Campus 11 Airlie Place DUNDEE DD1 4HJ If confirmation of receipt of cancellation is required a pre-paid envelope must be supplied. In normal circumstances, where written notification is received: (i) 2 weeks before the module commencement date: 34