Postgraduate Programme Handbook Feb 2013 as appropriate, bearing in mind the objectives of the programme and the need to assess students on equal terms. In order to complete the requirements for an award, a candidate must satisfy the Board of Examiners in all elements of the assessment for that award
Students may take a break from the programme due to personal illness, or circumstances such as the illness or death of a close family member. This time is not included within the three year period for completion of the programme. It is vital that you discuss the need for a break with the Programme Manager in the first instance. A request for a break must be made in writing or e mail to the Programme Manager.
INFORMATION ABOUT GROUNDS FOR DISCONTINUATION In order to complete the requirements for an award, a candidate must satisfy the Board of Examiners in all elements of the assessment for that award, including a pass in the core module. Where students fail to produce satisfactory work on two attempts this is recorded as a module fail; they may then be allowed to undertake another module. Students who have failed two modules will not be eligible to continue their studies and will exit the programme.
Candidates who have failed to satisfy the minimum requirements for academic progress set out in the Regulations may be subject to termination of their studies. A candidate who fails to satisfy progress regulations will receive written notification following a meeting of the Board of Examiners. This letter will inform the candidate of their right to appeal, provide general information on the grounds of appeal and the submission of evidence, and from whom to seek advice and guidance in the formulation of such an appeal. Students have the right of appeal in the first instance to the School of Nursing and Midwifery Termination of Studies (Appeals) Committee and thereafter to the Senatus Academicus Termination of Studies (Appeals) Committee. Details of procedural arrangements are available from the School. Candidates not subject to termination of studies but who wish to make complaints or appeals are governed by the Appeals Procedure.