PostQualifying Handbooks Post-Graduate Handbook 2013 | Page 24

Postgraduate Programme Handbook Feb 2013 ? ? ? Assignments, for example essays, care studies, critical incident analyses, organisational analyses Portfolios of evidence and work-based learning Social Networking sites and chat rooms EXAMPLES OF BREACHES Patient information: ? ? ? ? Personal information that identifies the person Patient notes Nursing and medical charts which identify the individual Discussion on social networking site or in chat room Institutional information: ? ? ? ? ? Use of headed notepaper Inclusion of patient records Identification of place of work or practice learning environment Inclusion of information that identifies staff such as name or specific and unique job titles identifiable within the context provided Discussion on social networking site or chat room MYDUNDEE Students are advised within MyDundee to ensure that any information divulged by fellow students should remain confidential, as in classroom discussions. Similarly, confidential information such as that which identifies practice learning environments or individuals encountered within those should never be included within discussion boards. Any material of this type will be removed by the module tutor. Serious breaches of confidentiality will be dealt with according to the School policy. SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES / CHAT ROOMS Students should never use pubic or unauthorised electronic forums such as social networking sites or chat rooms to discuss their experiences of caring for patients, their families, colleagues or staff whilst undertaking their programme of study. EXEMPTIONS Where it is necessary to include material which is confidential in nature to prove authenticity of work, students should contact the School for guidance to ensure that no penalty will be applied or comment made. THIS POLICY RELATES TO ANY WRITTEN MATER IAL WITHIN THE FOLLO WING: 23