Postpartum and Baby Care Curriculum Partial Preview | Page 13

SIWB book page 28 PowerPoint slides 57 – 58
Newborns have unique reflexes that are important for survival and communication . A solid understanding of these reflexes can help with breastfeeding and general newborn care .
Discussion Prompts
• What does the term rooting mean ?
• Do you know of any other newborn reflexes ?
Key Points
• Rooting : a newborn will turn their head and open their mouth in response to something touching their face near the mouth . This reflex is stronger when baby is hungry , so for the first few months , this reflex can help parents gauge if it is time for a feeding .
• Sucking : triggered by something touching the roof of the mouth .
• Moro : also called startle , this reflex can cause newborns to wake themselves ( which is why swaddling can be helpful for better sleep ).
• Other newborn reflexes : grasp ( hand grip ), Babinski / plantar ( toes fan / curl ), stepping , tongue thrust .
• Lifelong reflexes : blinking , gagging , swallowing , sneezing , yawning , coughing and many more .


SIWB book pages 29 – 30 Encouraging Development PowerPoint slides 59 – 61 handout
Individual reflection
Understanding newborn senses allows parents to engage with baby in ways to develop them further .
Discussion Prompts
• What can your newborn see at birth ?
• What are ways you can encourage the development of your newborn ’ s senses ?
Key Points
• Smell , taste and touch : well-developed at birth and help with feeding as these senses stimulate reflexes ( like rooting ).
• Hearing : well-developed , but newborns are used to constant noise so they generally sleep through most noise and commotion for the first weeks .
• Vision : least developed of all senses .
• Newborns are nearsighted , color blind and cannot see distances , but vision develops quickly .
• Vision develops steadily until two years ( sharper / clearer , colors becoming more vivid ).
• Signs of a problem : Physical issues , not tracking or still cross-eyed at four months , or lack of interest in new visuals by about seven months .
• Encouraging development : toys are fun , but the most important and effective way to help a baby ’ s brain connect and senses develop is regular interaction with humans — talking , singing , reading , etc .