Postpartum and Baby Care Curriculum Partial Preview | Page 12



Discussion Video
SIWB book Welcome page PowerPoint slide 7


SIWB book page 3 PowerPoint slide 8
The benefits of skin-to-skin time for newborns ( also called kangaroo care ) are widely known and emphasized , but this time is also highly beneficial for the mother . This topic can serve as an introduction to skin-to-skin , with more detailed information including do ’ s and don ’ ts covered in Unit 2 : Your Newborn .
Discussion Prompts
• How does skin-to-skin time immediately after birth benefit the mother ?
• What steps can you take in advance to help ensure this time happens ?
Welcome video
As you begin teaching your course , it is helpful to provide a “ big picture ” overview of postpartum recovery and life with a newborn .
Discussion Prompts
• What do you think will change after you have a baby ?
• What have you heard are some of the biggest challenges parents face in the first few weeks ?
Key Points
• Postpartum changes :
• Your body has changed and needs time to heal .
• Your feelings are normal ( joy , fear , anxiety , love , etc .).
• A lot is happening with your newborn ( they learn and grow every day ).
• Your baby needs you ( you can ’ t spoil them ).
• Your baby needs time to transition ( they are most content being held in your arms ).
Key Points
• Maternal benefits :
• Helps the uterus contract through several mechanisms : holding baby and the nipple stimulation as baby initiates breastfeeding releases hormones . Baby ’ s feet can also massage the top of the uterus causing contractions as they scoot and move for breastfeeding .
• Reduces bleeding by helping the uterus contract .
• Releases hormones for lactation .
• Helps start bonding .
• Plan ahead :
• Discuss birth and postpartum routines and practices with your care provider .
• Go on a birth place tour ahead of time .