Postgraduate Prospectus 2023 | Page 53

2 years part time ( January , May , July and September starts )
Entry requirements
A first or a second-class honours degree in a relevant subject or equivalent qualifications and / or professional experience
UK / Channel Islands fees
Part time : £ 10,500 ( including a £ 250 acceptance fee )
EU fees with our Transition Scholarship
Part time : £ 10,500 ( including a £ 250 acceptance fee )
International fees
Part time : £ 10,500 ( including a £ 250 acceptance fee )

Cyber Security and Digital Forensics ( Distance Learning ) MSc

Develop a systematic understanding of cyber security and forensics concepts , including how to securely protect and investigate an organisation ’ s digital assets and systems .
Learn key techniques to investigate digital crimes and security breaches , and help safeguard your organisation ’ s success . Explore the process of predicting , avoiding and reacting to cyber attacks ( unlike the study of cybercrime , which looks at the reasons behind online deviant and criminal activity ).
Experiment with specialist software and forensic tools via remote access to our dedicated Forensic IT and Cyber Security laboratories . Study the design and conduct of forensic IT investigations – including crime scene management , forensic tools and their application . Understand the principles involved with searching for and collecting digital evidence , as well as the challenges relating to the presentation of it . Gain familiarity with a range of cyber security disciplines to help you develop , implement and audit security systems , and foster a proactive security management culture .
EXAMPLE MODULES – Computer Forensic Investigation and Cryptography – Mobile Forensics : Issues and Practice – Computer Security – Systems , Security and Hacking – Master ’ s Study Project
All course materials are available online and can be accessed from wherever you ’ re based . There are also optional face-to-face events .

Cyber Security and Digital

104 Postgraduate at Portsmouth

Cyber Security and Forensic Information Technology MSc

Advance your career in cyber security and forensics , ready to prevent and prosecute digital crime . Shape your IT skills for a connected business world that craves your expertise .
Study twin , linked disciplines : cyber security ( protecting data and systems from cyber attack ) and forensic information technology ( detecting and collecting digital evidence of criminal activity ).
Explore methods used by hackers , and how to prevent or combat them . Learn the procedures to follow after an attack , and how to present this information to investigators or court officials . Dig into cryptography , hacking and formal computer languages , such as Linux . Investigate real-life case studies , identify digital trails , compile evidence , and engage with ethical hacking using current forensic tools and systems . Explore contemporary cybersecurity issues : blockchain and cryptocurrency , money laundering , the Internet of Things , drones , and anti-forensic techniques . Use our specialist facilities , including multi-platform network suites , pervasive computing lab for high performance computing , usability lab with eye-tracking equipment , forensics lab , and crime scene simulations .
EXAMPLE MODULES – Computer Forensic Investigation and Cryptography – Mobile Forensics : Issues and Practice – Systems , Security and Hacking – The Global Landscape of Cybersecurity – Business Intelligence – Big Data Applications – Cloud Computing
You can expect 10 hours of teaching time every week , made up of lectures and tutorials ( five hours for part time students ). We do our best to keep all teaching within two days , leaving you the rest of the week for work experience or self-guided study . In the last three months of the course you ’ ll be focusing on your research project .
– 1 year full time ( September start )
– 16 months full time ( January start )


Please note :

Security all fees are subject to an annual increase , and Forensic please check the website the latest information .

Information Technology

– 3 years part time ( check website for start month )
Entry requirements
An upper second-class honours degree in a relevant subject , including Computer Sciences , Legal or Social Sciences , or equivalent professional experience and / or qualifications .
UK / Channel Islands fees
Full time : £ 8,500 Part time : £ 2,830 ( per year )
EU fees with our Transition Scholarship
Full time : £ 8,500 Part time : £ 2,830 ( per year )
International fees
Full time : £ 19,200 Part time : £ 6,400 ( per year )
Accredited by the British Computer Society ( The Chartered Institute for IT ), partially meeting the educational requirement for CITP and CEng .