Portuguese Lighting Magazine Issue 21 | Page 27

3-Design for reproduction: the company is responsible for the destination of a product, so it is more advantageous to produce it in such a way that it can be easily disassembled, repaired, reused or resold. Therefore, it is important to develop components and materials that can be used in different product lines.

4-Design for the recovery of materials: concerns the use of materials through recycling, when these can no longer be used by previous models. Here, the most important thing is that the materials can be recycled without contamination or loss of value, going from a downcycle, which is what happens today, to an upcycle.

The MacArthur Foundation, one of the main promoter of the circular model, says that it is “an alternative that seeks to redefine what growth is, with benefits for society as a whole and, above all, for the environment”. It is based on several principles, but one emphasizes the importance of reducing pollution levels and waste. According to The Circular Design Guide, an initiative of the MacArthur Foundation in collaboration with IDEO, the principles of circular design are: understand the concept, define strategies, make it happen and launch it to the market. The foundation has developed a range of tools and resources to help designers transition to circular design.

This issue is very complex and requires an exhaustive study, as all sectors of a company must work in the same direction. We suggest you visit the following websites, which will give you all the necessary information and all the tools to start making the transition to the circular economy now.

-Ellen Macarthur Foundation

-Circular Design Guide

-Ideia Circular


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