Portfolio. BHSAD In Transition | L5, Critical & Cultural studies | Page 8

working with other companies (Verganti, 2018). work. And  finally, it launches a  designer into a  leading and strategic role with a  client (Peterson, 2018). Pro bono service encourages provides designers with the  opportunity to take the  initiative. designers to give half of their work Often, pro bono clients come to rely on designers for a broader away for free (2014) and David set of services, so designers become as more as equal to executive B.  Berman asks to spend at least and can play a leading role in determining the development of 10 percent of their professional time nonprofit organizations. Matthew Manos helping repair the  world (2008). They do not ask designers to work for free, they just point out that each designer can spend small amount of  professional time to  develop The personal values of designer are the main trigger for new proposal for a society. projects. Design strategies, methodologies, tools, and language Pro bono commitments by design can are evolving, due to how design professionals are addressing be claimed as a  part of larger trend an  increasing range of social, cultural and environmental driven by the desire of a professional challenges. In this paper, there was an attempt to show that one to be more socially engaged. It is of the  most important impetus for socially responsible design one of the  possible ways to provide may be attributed to designers’ personal values originated from professional services to communities their background. socially responsible and non-profit organizations which may not be able to access these services. There was highlighted the importance of interaction between the  designers’ personal ethical values and the  company’s level of corporate social responsibility, and also identified that On the one hand, unlike the legal designers play an important role in helping companies to access, field, design is only beginning to put interpret and exploit knowledge of emerging socio-cultural pro bono requirements into place, models and market needs. To support this statement, there were that is the  reason these projects have less expectations than those that are commercial. On the  other hand, pro  bono service offers very practical benefits for designers apart from the  emotional contribution. First, it allows designers to start new types of projects, to broaden their scope of services, and network with new industries and communities. Second, it offers the  potential for  highly creative and innovative The design-driven approach offers a new vision studying not the people’s needs, but the changing social and technical context they live in. 8 IN THE TRANSITION | DESIGN OF VALUES | 2018