Portfolio. BHSAD In Transition | L5, Critical & Cultural studies | Page 3

A t present, design overall is not about the  aesthetic attractiveness of commodities and the form transformation for the sake of profit is no longer a  designers’ main task. These days design is defined as an engine for innovations including novel approaches in management practice. As a  result, new business paradigms such as user experience design, co-design and design thinking have emerged. creative sources. To sum up, the searching of ideas is no longer the main priority of design, but value is becoming one of the most important parts of creative processes. In other words, the basis of design today is comprehension, not problem solving. Therefore, designers could be inspired by anything In his book, “Rise of the  Creative during the  idea development, but values creating process is Class”, Richard Florida  researched underpinning on individuality and personal background that that 30% of American professionals is based on experiments, professional collaborations and long- use creativity as a  main source term social research. It reflects the perception of human behavior, of  livelihood, which identifies them monitors changes of values, and most importantly provides as a  creative class. Also, creativity the  direction of these changes. Designers have an  opportunity is a  skill that can be developed to influence the  products creation by virtue of their role in utilizing design thinking techniques. the  early stage of the  product development processes when And finally, modern technologies the  most crucial decisions are made, including the  impact of facilitate the  access to different these products on society and environment. According to  this 3 The role of designers in value creation process by Ksenia Semirova