Portfolio 6 month marketing plan Pull and bear | Page 34

REFERNCES Easey, M. (2009) Fashion Marketing: Third Edition. West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Pp.220-221 H&M Group (2017) Three month report. Available at: https://about.hm.com/content/dam/hmgroup/groupsite/docu- ments/masterlanguage/cision/2017/03/1916466.pdf (Accessed 05/05/2017) Inditex Group (2014) Code for Manufactures and suppliers. Avail- able at: https://www.inditex.com/en/sustainability/suppliers/code_con- duct;jsessionid=Nx94dLZzilr4Ttr4jWlLUQ0#panel_3 (Accessed 10/04/2017) Inditex Group (2014) Financial report. Pp.02 Available at: https://www.inditex.com/documents/10279/236130/NP_Results_- FY16.pdf/4389db8a-1233-4187-a4f0-0dfe21080863 (Accessed 27/04/2017) Inditex Group (2015) Annual Report. Available at: http://static.inditex.com/annual_report_2015/ (Accessed 01/05/2017) Appendices All images in this report have been sourced by Terri Sommers, Pull & Bear and Pinterest.