Portfolio 6 month marketing plan Pull and bear | Page 15

2.3. SWOT SUMMARY & STRATEGIC OPTIONS The brand is affordable for its target audience, the casual style of the brand also appeals to most young people. After looking at the swot analysis it’s clear that there is room for improvement with the brands business model as well as the quality of the products. For this marketing campaign to succeed, it needs to have a clear purpose of sustainability and relevance to the brand. S The garments, especially jackets and coats tend to wear and tear at the hem line when worn frequently. This suggests that during the factory process the clothing is made rather quickly due to the high demand, Overall the quality of its construction is not as resilient and reliable as the brand claims it to be. W There are opportunities for new concept ideas in store to widen the brands merchandise. Ideas include merchandise that could relate to American culture such as a range of longboards in store. O The UK market is incredibly in high demand for fast fashion, but customers are also looking for ‘affordable quality’ brands such as New Look & H&M are two to mention that offer both quality and affordability. T