Portafolio de English 1 Carvajal Dayana English 1 | Page 22

ENGLISH 1 September 2019 – February 2020 1. TITLE OF THE PROJECT Recreational Areas 2. OBJETIVES a. GENERAL - To determine the impact of recreational areas in the English learning process of initial level at Unidad Educativa Bilingüe “CELITE” b. ESPECÍFIC - To identify the recreational areas in the Unidad Educativa Bilingüe “CELITE” - To establish the importance of recreational areas in the language learning process. - Determine if the teachers of the Unidad Educativa Bilingüe “CELITE” use the recreational areas for learning. 3. METHODOLOGY The professional practices are very important because students have the opportunity to learn about their specific job. Besides, they can acquire skills or abilities that will allow them develop in their future activities as educators. For this integrator project, card number two was used. This card is called area of observation. It contains three indicators: Infrastructure and equipment of the school, school equipment and educational equipment for English classes. These are focused on analyzing infrastructure, green areas, classroom and the equipment used in the classroom.It has allowed us to discover that the comfort and quality contribute to the teaching and learning of the English language. Through analytical reading, it has been possible to understand thatnew generations are more demanding and it is essential that the educational and training processes go hand in hand to meet the new demands. The education of children is part of these changes. Therefore, they are the object of contrast, devotees and ideological comforts, all in search of the same goal to improve the quality of teaching. The development of recreational activities, the necessary elements to develop socialization is a fundamental part of the learning process. For these reasons, the importance of integral development for boys and girls This projectis oriented to 22 Dayana Estefanía Carvajal Álvarez