Porcelain Veneers - All-in-one Porcelain Veneers - All-in-one | Page 9

Although many people ask for porcelain veneers just for cosmetic purposes, they can actually fix some dental issues, including:  worn teeth  broken or chipped teeth  misaligned teeth  uneven teeth  irregularly shaped teeth (teeth with bulges or craters on them)  teeth (teeth with gaps between them)       Brush your teeth after each meal (remember the tooth behind the veneer is still susceptible to germs) Use floss before going to bed Have a professional cleaning treatment done regularly Don´t use your teeth as a tool to prevent your veneers from tearing or breaking. So, no longer opening bottles or nuts with them! Avoid biting on hard objects, such as pencil tips Avoid hard and textured foods such as nuts, candy apples or ice.