( Matt Kibbe visits TPM , continued from page 1 )
Conservatives . He believes we are in the process of repopulating the Republican Party with people who believe in something , and that something is what we in the TEA Party believe in ; namely fiscal responsibility , constitutionally limited government and the free market system . The names Ted Cruz , Rand Paul and Mike Lee came up often . Matt explained how our TEA Party movement has morphed from a grassroots uprising to a real paradigm shift . “ I believe this is a paradigm shift , not just a grassroots uprising . The world has permanently changed because of the internet and the decentralization of information .” He stressed how the New York Times , the two major political parties , and a few corporations no longer make the decisions . He believes this bodes well for the future of constitutional conservative candidates . He used the Ted Cruz victory in the Senate as a good example as Cruz ran against a very entrenched public politician and was given basically no chance of winning . Through the connections of many TEA Partiers and Conservatives using the new media , Ted Cruz won against all odds . Matt expressed the view that the insiders in Washington may act as if they have no concerns regarding the TEA Parties , but believes they are “ scared to death ” of us because they know we are serious when we say “ balance the budget !”. “ When it comes time to get out the vote , can you actually share that burden ? When it comes time to read a piece of legislation , can you share that burden ? That ’ s different today and in that world I think Freedom Works ”, said Matt regarding how things have really changed . “ This is not about politics . This is about changing the very notion of what people think their responsibilities are to their community and their government ” Matt closed by giving those in the audience hope for the future , even here in Hawaii . He said Hawaii , as a blue state , and other blue and purple states , “ are big opportunities for us , if we get our act together ; it ’ s got to be about building a community and it ’ s got to be about building it based on a set of values .” http :// www . freedomworks . org /
TPM President Jim Wagoner ( right ) treats the crowd to a patriotic serenade before Matt Kibbe ( left ) begins his talk .
“ So that the record of history is absolutely crystal clear . That there is no alternative way , so far discovered , of improving the lot of the ordinary people that can hold a candle to the productive activities that are unleashed by a free enterprise system .”
-Milton Friedman
Pono Press , May 2013 , Page 2