Pono Press May 2013

FreedomWorks ’ Matt Kibbe Visits TEA Party Maui
M a y 2 0 1 3
Vo l u m e 3 , I s s u e 3

FreedomWorks ’ Matt Kibbe Visits TEA Party Maui

The voice of The TEA Party Maui In Support of a Fiscally Responsible , Constitutionally Limited Government & a Free Market Economy
In This Issue :
Local Issues Pg . 3
National Issues Pg . 4 Community Commentary Pg . 7
TPM Happenings Pg . 10
Special points of interest :
� Why is milk so expensive in Hawaii ? Joe Kent explores the issue on page 3 .
� Have you heard the news about Common Core ? Learn more on page 4 .
� TPM has a new monthly social event ! Be sure to check out the info on page 10 . by Rosemary Aldridge
Matt Kibbe , the President and CEO of FreedomWorks , recently came to Maui to attend the 38th Annual Conference of the Association of Private Enterprise Education . The Association is composed of scholars from economics , philosophy , political science , and other disciplines , as well as policy analysts , business executives , and other educators . Presentations reflected the latest research in fields such as regulation , public choice , microeconomics , and Austrian economics . The Heritage Foundation was also in attendance . We were fortunate that Matt took time to appear at a special TEA Party Maui gathering on April 13th at Grace Church in Pukalani . About three dozen fans of FreedomWorks were in attendance on very short notice but were rewarded with some insights into what is currently taking place in Washington D . C . We also learned why Matt is optimistic about the future of our country . It can feel pretty lonely out here in the middle of the Pacific with only one Republican in the Hawaii State Senate , so Matt ’ s message was very welcome . Matt took us through the years starting in 2008 with the 700 billion dollar bailout under George Bush . The message then was that we had to abandon the free market in order to save it . The House leader was Nancy Pelosi and the Senate ’ s leader was Harry Reid . That quickly led to nationwide frustration and the birth of the TEA Party . So with a real grassroots birth , the TEA party turned the political stage upside down with huge wins in the 2010 election . And 2012 was not the disaster we thought it was , in Mr . Kibbe ’ s opinion . He said that while we lost eight seats in the House , our wins more than offset the losses because we gained some very strong
Matt Kibbe speaks to TEA Party Maui
( Continued on page 2 )
Pono Press , May 2013 , Page 1