Pono Press May 2013 | Page 11

Pono Press Staff
Pono Press TEA Party Maui
For more info , please see our website : www . teapartymaui . com
To contact the editor email : ponopress @ teapartymaui . com

Upcoming TEA Party Events

� May Monthly General Meeting : Simon Russell will speak about the legislative process and the PLDC on Thursday , May 9th at 6:30 pm at Kalama Heights Garden Room . Located at 101 Kanani Road in Kihei .
� June Monthly General Meeting : Senator Sam Slom will speak about the past legislative session and how to get involved in the next session . Thursday , June 13th at 6:30 pm at Kalama Heights Garden Room . Located at 101 Kanani Road in Kihei .
� May “ Preaching to the Choir ” social event . Friday , May 31 @ 6:30 pm . Location TBA .
� More events will be coming for 2013 ! Please check out the website www . teapartymaui . com to get involved .
The TEA Party Maui will work within the community to educate the public on the principles established by the founding fathers of the United States of America . The Declaration of Independence , The Constitution of the United States of America , including the Bill of Rights , other historical documents and personal letters of our founders provide us with our core principles and values .

Community Meetings

� We encourage you to stay on the pulse of the issues by attending Community Meetings listed on the Maui County website : www . co . maui . hi . us
� For information on upcoming bills in Congress and for easy ways to get involved with your Congressmen and Congresswomen go to www . POPVOX . com
� Another way to be informed about upcoming legislation and to follow proposed bills through the process is to go to the Hawai ' i Public Access Room through the following link : http :// hawaii . gov / lrb / par /
The Pono Press is looking for some dedicated volunteers to help with the following tasks : * Distribution ( Do you know of a business that would like paper copies ? Let us know .) � News Reports and Stories � Classified Advertising We will offer a free classified ad or business ad for any articles or other contributions to the Pono Press ! Please email ponopress @ teapartymaui . com for more information .

Pono Press Staff

Editor : Kristin Mack Assistant Editor : Valerie Sisneros Proofreaders : Lee and Rosemary Aldridge News and Contributing Writers : Tami Combs , Sue Wagoner , Joe Kent , Jim Wagoner , Rosemary Aldridge , Lee Aldridge , Valerie Sisneros , Richard Mealey
TPM Logo Design : Maui Custom T-shirts
The articles , links and opinions contained in this newsletter belong to the owners and writers and do not necessarily express the opinions of the TEA Party Maui . Although every effort is made to publish only researched information , we cannot certify accuracy of all material published .
The TEA Party Maui is organized as a non-profit corporation under the laws of the State of Hawaii and is a tax-exempt , non-profit organization under Section 501 ( c ) 4 of the Federal Internal Revenue Code . Donations to support our mission are not tax deductible .
Pono Press , May 2013 , Page 11