by Valerie Sisneros
Stemming from a suggestion made by Rosemary Aldridge after she read about the monthly Kona Beer Party meetings on the Kona TEA Party website , TPM is gathering for a monthly social event of our own . The first meeting , unofficially named “ Preaching to the Choir ” was held Friday , April 26th . More than a dozen folks made time after work to meet at a local restaurant to socialize , catch up on current events and come up with ideas for ongoing positive change . It was mentioned that some were appreciative of the less businesslike format in contrast to the
Joe Kent Speaks to TPM
New TPM Social Event !
monthly general meetings . We connected for a couple of hours and plan to make this a monthly gathering to be held on the last Friday of each month at 6:30 PM . We will be brainstorming to come up with the best ideas for future meetings . I know that while brainstorming with a couple of other active patriots , we were able to come up with multiple ideas for new media presentations in various formats . It is clear that everyone has a specific talent or resource that can be utilized on various projects in our continued quest to spread the word about smaller government , individual liberty ,
Pono Press , May 2013 , Page 10 by Rosemary Aldridge
Joe Kent , Secretary of the Libertarian Party of Maui was the guest speaker at TEA Party Maui ’ s monthly meeting on Thursday , April 11th , 2013 . Joe is an elementary school music teacher at King Kamehameha III and he was one of the Maui delegates for Ron Paul at the RNC . He is energetic , active , and committed to making a difference , and he is also a self-proclaimed recovered liberal . Joe ’ s talk was titled “ What is a Libertarian ?” He spoke about what it means to him to be a Libertarian . Joe stated the following ; “ Many Democrats say ; ‘ I like liberty when it comes to personal habits , but I don ’ t like freedom when it comes to greedy corporations .’ Republicans might say ‘ I like freedom when it comes to business , but not when it comes to personal habits .’ The point is that some people say we need freedom here and some say we need freedom there . Libertarians say we need freedom everywhere !” The main thrust of his talk was that Libertarians want the maximum amount of freedom for individuals : freedom from government , freedom from taxes , freedom from restrictions , and freedom to live one ’ s life in a peaceful and prosperous way . However , Joe went on to say that freedom cannot exist on its own . A strong theory of property rights is needed to ensure maximum freedom . What if you lived in a “ free ” country , but the government could take your property away whenever it wanted ? What if they could take your life ? What if they could take the fruits of your labor ? Would you really be free ? Without a strong theory of property rights , no one can truly be free . The talk was followed by a lively Q & A session that lasted nearly an hour . To see the full text of Joe Kent ’ s talk , go to the TEA Party Maui website at www . teapartymaui . com .
freedom , and the free market system . It seemed that everyone was having spirited conversations at the tables within earshot of each other and often one person would enlighten the whole group with new facts and figures on a variety of interesting topics . There were new people and new ideas bandied about . It is a nice way to end the work week and I believe there will be more productive networking going on in the meetings to come . It is always a pleasure to connect with intelligent , informed , proactive , and like-minded patriots . Consider making it part of your monthly schedule .