Book Review Agenda 21 by Glenn Beck and Harriet Parke by Bill Doyle The following is an excerpt from United Nations Agenda 21--The UN Blueprint for the 21st Century :
" The effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound re -orientation of all human society , unlike anything the world has ever experienced , a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources . This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into every individual and collective decision-making level ."
In his typical fast-paced , thriller-style narrative , Glenn Beck and co-author Harriet Parke have created a highly readable and suspense-filled drama predicated on placing the reader in the story that takes us to the logical conclusion of where this " Brave New World " devoted to environmentalism and clean energy production can end . A modern day
Orwellian " 1984 " where a new society , simply called " the Republic " exists . This place used to be called America ; now there is no President , no Congress--and worst of all : No Freedom ! There are only the " Authorities , there is only " AGENDA 21 " --where the " Central Authority " controls all . This new violent and tyrannical government rules a vast land which we previously knew as the United States . Here the old , the infirm , the defiant and nonconforming all seem to quickly vanish and babies become the property of the state . All citizens are housed ( confined ?) to drab and dreary gray concrete " living spaces " --existing in " Compounds " guarded by " Caretakers " who track and record all movements . The rules are kept by the " Enforcers " and food , water and energy are all strictly rationed by " the Republic ." The role of all " productive citizens " is to create energy ( by walking on their metered " energy boards ") and babies ( through " pairing ceremonies " when the " Authorities " deem the time is optimum ). In " Social Update Meetings " they ... pledge allegiance to the Earth and the sacred rights of the Earth and to the Animals of the Earth ." They adhere to the rules because of the promise of money not being necessary , poverty no longer existing and " paradise " being just around the corner--and of course , the " Enforcers " always keeping everyone in line .
While certainly a work of fiction , this eponymously entitled novel definitely delivers a frightening glimpse of where we could be headed if UN Agenda 21 is eventually accepted and ratified by our government .
I recommend this work and suggest it be read with an eye toward the future and a view of just where extreme environmentalism , ecoterrorism and over-zealous environmental protection agencies may be attempting to take us . " Praise be to the Republic ." This is truly frightening , indeed !
I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them .
-Thomas Jefferson
Pono Press , March 2013 , Page 9