Literacy – an ability to identify , understand , interpret , create , compute , and communicate using visual , audible , and digital materials across disciplines and in any context ; knowledge of a wide range of activities and appears as computer literacy , math literacy , or dietary literacy ; ways of knowing the world Oral Language – the system through which we use spoken words to express knowledge , ideas , and feelings Progress Monitoring - a scientifically based practice used to assess your child ' s academic progress throughout the year and evaluate the effectiveness of instruction . Progress monitoring tells the teacher what your child has learned and what still needs to be taught . This information can become a way for you and your child ' s teacher to discuss strengths and areas for growth . For more information on progress monitoring and how it will be applied in Florida , please visit
https :// www . fldoe . org / fast / Read Aloud – the practice of reading orally to large or small groups ; pictures and / or text are shared visually with the audience whose primary role is to listen , view the illustrations , and make connections to themselves , other texts , and the world . Reading aloud is intended to model proficient reading and language , promote conversation , motivate , and extend comprehension and conceptual understandings