Adolescent Literacy - the skills and abilities required to read and write effectively in grades 4 – 12 Adult Literacy - the ability to use printed and written information to function in society , to achieve one ' s goals , and to develop one ' s knowledge and potential beyond secondary school Digital Literacy – an individual ' s ability to find , evaluate , and clearly communicate information through typing and other media on various digital platforms ; evaluated by an individual ' s grammar , composition , typing skills and ability to produce text , images , audio and designs using technology Emergent Literacy - early reading and writing behaviors ( e . g ., scribble writing and pretend reading ), knowledge ( e . g ., a book is a source of a story or information ), and attitudes ( e . g ., question asking about neighborhood signs ); often used to characterize those aspects of literacy that develop without any formal instruction but rather through a stimulating environment Environmental Print – the print of everyday life appearing in signs , labels , and logos Examples : street signs , food labels , the M in McDonald ’ s Financial Literacy – understanding the topic of money ; represents one area of financial wellness Family Literacy - home literacy activities of families ; also used to refer to literacy education programs that focus on developing the literacy skills of parents and children