Polk County's Literacy Resource Directory 4th Edition | Page 9

THE SUNSHINE STATE YOUNG READERS’ FESTIVAL   This festival is designed to encourage students grades 3-8 to read and enjoy state award-nominated books. Students come together to create, compete, and learn about award-nominated titles read prior to the festival. elementary and middle schools are encouraged to participate in the SSYRA Festival LITTLE FREE LIBRARIES “libraries” placed around the community where anyone can take a book or leave a book. They often resemble large birdhouses on posts. Anyone can sponsor their own Little Free Library, and anyone can take or leave FREE BOOKS. Library Media Services is a drop off and pick up location for bulk stores of books for Little Free Libraries. For more information about this program, visit https://littlefreelibrary.org or contact [email protected]. READ WHILE YOU ROLL Designed as a literacy bridge from school to home using the Polk County school buses. Books donated by citizens and civic organizations are kept on the bus in bins, so students can select a book to read while riding to or from school. Students are encouraged to take the books home to keep and share with family members. For more information contact Scott Reeves with Support Services at [email protected]. CRACKER STORYTELLING FESTIVAL  An annual event held at Homeland Heritage Park. Professional storytellers entertain students and adults of Polk County with a wide variety of multicultural stories. Schools bring students from all grade levels to this event to enrich the curriculum along with enlightening these same attendees in the great culture of Florida. For more information please contact [email protected] 8