Polk County's Literacy Resource Directory 4th Edition | Page 7

3rd - 5th Get your child a library card to your town's public library and explain the importance of taking care of the books he or she checks out. Have your child choose a book for you to read and you choose one for him/her. Designate reading time at home and ask each other questions about the book when finished reading. Ask your child what he/she most enjoys about reading and use this to motivate them when they are unmotivated to read. 6th - 8th  Create an organization system at home for homework and other activities. Spend time developing good reading strategies with your student that concentrate on content rather than on developing reading skills. Practice reading every day, especially during the summer months. Practice makes perfect! 9th -12th Ask your teen to read aloud with appropriate rate and expression. Put learning to use. Ask your teen what he/she thinks about a current event. Have him/her support positions with facts. Have conversations about sources of information to help your teen understand author bias and determine whether or not a source is reliable. Photographed by Felix Manzano 6