Policy Handbook 2022-23 | Page 53

• In execution of professional responsibilities , personal email accounts , personal web sites , personal web collaboration tools , or social networking tools ( e . g ., Facebook , mySpace ), to communicate with students , parents , staff , or others , except as authorized by the Superintendent , Cabinet member , or school Principal using the district exception approval process ( see Acceptable Use Guidelines for details ).
Guidelines for Implementation of Acceptable Use Policy for Electronic Information , Communication and Technology Resources
Enforcement of the policy
• The Employee Services Department is responsible for reviewing annually with Department Directors , Supervisors , and Principals the Acceptable Use Policy ( AUP ) and Acceptable Use Guidelines ( AUG ) documents .
• Employee Services presents the AUP / AUG to all new employees as part of the new employee orientation session .
• Employees are required to review and formally acknowledge , through a signed statement or web-based acceptance mechanism , the AUP / AUG documents annually .
Consequences of breach of policy
Use of Information , Communication , and Technology ( ICT ) resources is a privilege , not a right . The district recognizes that some personal use of district email , voice mail , and computer systems - including use during non-work time is acceptable ; however , excessive use or abuse of these privileges ( as outlined in the AUP adopted by the school board ) is unacceptable . Abuse of these privileges may result in one or more of the following consequences :
• Suspension or cancelation of use or access privileges
• Payments for damages or repairs
• Discipline under appropriate school district policies including suspension , expulsion , exclusion or termination of employment , or civil or criminal liability under applicable laws
Data Privacy
• By authorizing use of ICT resources , the District does not relinquish control over materials on the systems or contained in files on the systems . Files stored on school-based computers and communications via email , Internet browsers , or voice mail are not private .
• Electronic messages and files stored on school-based computers may be treated like any other school property . Administrators , faculty , or network personnel may review files and messages to maintain system integrity and , if necessary , to ensure that users are acting responsibly .
• School district employees and students should also be aware that data and other material and files maintained on the school district system may be subject to review , disclosure , or discovery . The school district will cooperate fully with local , state , and federal authorities in any investigation concerning or related to any illegal activities or activities not in compliance with school district policies conducted through the school district system .
• All data on students maintained by the school , school district , or by persons acting for the school district are private and may be accessed or shared only with those having an educational need to know . The only exception is “ directory information ,” which has been designated by the district as public information unless specifically restricted by the individual . Directory information includes :
• Name and photo
• Name of school attended
• Date of birth
• Grade in school
• Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
• Awards and honors
• Weight and height of members of an athletic team
• Dates of attendance ( enrollment dates )
• Last grade completed
• Date of graduation
• Immunization history
The parent ’ s or guardians ’ choices will be recorded in the child ’ s records . Parents or guardians may update a restriction at any time by updating the ‘ Information Release ’ component in the Student Online Registration .
* Use of Copyrighted Material : * printed with permission from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Compliance with federal copyright law is expected of all students , faculty , and staff at Anoka-Hennepin schools . “ Copyright ” is legal protection for creative intellectual works , which is broadly interpreted to cover just about any expression of an idea . Text ( including email and web information ), graphics , art , photographs , music , and software are examples of types of works protected by copyright . The creator of the work , or sometimes the person who hired the creator , is the initial copyright owner .
All or part of a copyrighted work may be used only if ( a ) you have the copyright owner ’ s permission , or ( b ) you qualify for a legal exception ( the most common exception is called “ fair use ”). “ Use ” of a work is defined for copyright purposes as copying , distributing , making derivative works , publicly displaying , or publicly performing the work .
Copying , distributing , downloading , and uploading information on the Internet may infringe the copyright for that information . Even an innocent , unintentional infringement violates the law . Violations of copyright law that occur on or using the District ’ s networks or other resources ( copiers , computers , etc .) may create liability for the school district as well as the user . Accordingly , repeat infringers will have access privileges terminated .
Network Electronics
The district ’ s Wide Area Network ( WAN ) infrastructure , as well as the building-based Local Area Networks ( LANs ) have been implemented with performance planning and appropriate security major parts of the process . Guarantees of an appropriate level of network efficiency , reliability , and manageability , along with
2022-23 School Handbook ahschools . us / policies 51